
The International Independent Arts Council (IARC) is a progressive, non-governmental Foundation (UK, GR, US). It appeared during late nineties when Panayiotis Neufelt, Founder and Chairman of the Organization,  demonstrated its Manifesto in establishing an innovative and independent research and cultural, creative industries and arts backing body.

The aim of the International Independent Arts Council is to research, understand and communicate the needs and social, economic and political phenomena that impact on the arts, the cultural and the creative industries. Its aim is to identify, to evaluate and to document the basis of those needs, the identification and evaluation of which provides the fundamental elements for the creation of the necessary scientific data results.

The International Independent Arts Council, is an arts, literature, cultural, creative industries and entertainment organisation, focusing on research and related data gathering, arts economy, management, marketing and promotion, specifically linked to the Independent Artists Ecologies and Markets and to related productivities and production lines.

The International Independent Arts Council does not sponsor nor support any type of political activities, political parties, religions and religious initiatives. The organisation is not linked to movements (with the exception of non political artistic, entertainment, cultural and creative movements, internally and on a case by case basis validated).

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